(Freely translated from a German original by Dirk Liesenfeld, tantra teacher in Berlin)
The Art of Living is learning how to write on water.
Because each sentence, each word, each letter is no sooner written than it is immediately gone. Reality can only be tasted when it is fresh.
The art of living is the absolute awareness that nothing endures or has meaning, and the ability, nevertheless, to make a conscious gift of each sentence, each word and each letter, simply for the pleasure of writing. To fill each moment with love and beauty, flowing out of a pure joy in existence.
When you do this, transience and meaninglessness are transformed into eternal experience and deep meaning.
Take each step, accomplish each gesture just for the present moment and you will recognize the godly in each grain of dust.
If you look for salvation, fulfilment, God – or whatever else you can come up with – somewhere other than in yourself and anywhere else than in the present moment, you will be eternally unfulfilled and your search will never end.
True freedom consists in changing your perspective on life: in recognizing that all things are transitory and moving therefore from doing into being.
To allow things just to be and to wish to live a full life is a brave step. There is no more courageous approach to life than to live it as if there were no tomorrow. Is this irresponsible? Selfish? Godless or sinful? You must discover it for yourself – for who else has the right to judge?
And you will discover, to your surprise, that your own realization of complete freedom opens a path to freedom for all beings on this planet
And maybe even further afield…
In love,